Sunday, December 6, 2009

Low Blood Pressure and Homoeopathic Remedies.

Symptoms associated with some Homoeopathic Medicines which are generally used and useful for treatment of Hyportension/Low Blood pressure has been provided below. In homoeopathy there is no specific medicine for a disease. Medicine is selected by matching symptoms of the patients with medicines and when most of the symptoms of the patient matches with a particular medicine deatils (Already recorded at the time of proving on a healthy person) that is considered the right medicine for the patient.
1. Crategous-Q: It dissolves the elementse which get deposited in the Arteries and give rise to High blood pressure.Due to the Elements deposited in the Arteries Fexibility of the arteries gett reduced and blood pressure develop.
10 drops three times a dey are genearlly used withwater for a few days and when the benifits benifits are visible, it is stopped. It provides strength to the heart and after its use one feels strength and freshness.

Benificial for both High blood pressure and Low Blood pressure.

2.Conium,30,200: It has good affects on functioning of the Glands. In old age glands become weak and subsequently body also become weak.When blood in the body is not in sufficient qty, all limbs and organ become weak and do not function satisfactorily.
Cases of vertigo is common in old age due to insufficient supply of blood in the brain ,called cerebral anemia.
Weakness in whole body, difficulty in walking and movement, trembling of organs .
This is good medicines for low blood pressure of old age due to weakness , if the above symptoms are present.

Digitalis,3: This is used when with low blood pressure some heart problem are present.other symptoms are irreglar pulse,weak pulse,very slow pulse, some time feels as if pulse got discontinued/ stopped, swelling in any part of the body, panting , breathlessness, feeling of short breathing, always desire for deep breath.
Pulse rate become fast after slight movement.

Gelsemium,1,3,30: Laziness,lethargic,dullness are the important symptoms. even does not care for self disease also.
Low blood pressure due to any shocking,painfulsad emotional news. Vertigo strt from top of the head,heaviness in head and eyes,pain starts from side of the head and moves to ears and nose. Feels if movement of body is stopped, the heart will also stop.Pulse rate become fast after slight movement.

Calcarea Phos,3x,6x,30: Always Feels weak,tired,exhausted and Child whose growth is very fast.
Kalmia,6: Pulse very slow. Nervousness,palpitation in the heart,panting and fast breathing due to fast movement and climbing high,staircases.
palpitation of the heart,panting,suffering with rheumatism which root cause is syphilis then this medicine is considered for application.

Abis nigra,30,200: slow pulse rate,panting,do not feels good and condition deteriorates after meal.

Avena sativa,Q: 10 drops three- four times a day gives energy and strength to the brain and feels good and strength in the body and suffering due to low blood pressure improves.

Cactus Grandiflourus,3: despondency,sadness and dislike to speak, remain silent, do not feel good, restless, If time of meal is over headache starts,heaviness in the head,feels as if head is under the grip of tongus(chimta).

Radium,12x,30: Vertgo,diziness mpain in whole body,restlessness, relief from walking and movement,heaviness in top and backside of the head.

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