Sunday, December 6, 2009

Angina pectoris, Angina symptoms,Left Arm angina pain.

Angina Pectoris,angina of the heart is the feeling of suffocation and pain in the chest.This pain is called breast pangs or neuralgia of the heart also.The pain can spread up to the left arms, elbow,fingers. When there is insufficient blood supply to the Coronary Arteries which covers the heart and provides blood supply and oxygen to the heart for normal functioning, patient suffers of Angina pectoris.Patient suffering of angina attack feels he will not survive now and death is immenent.Difficult Breathing, Breathlessness and sweating are associated with Angina pectoris.

Proper care is required when angina symptoms appear.For Angina relief,its treatment and cure, nearby hospital should be contacted immediately to get relief of Angina pectoris.This should be considered as a serious issue as this is related to the heart.
Angina is the warning signs of heart problem and one should be careful and if neglected may lead to heart attack.Heart attack may occure without any warning but the warning in the form of Angina is good which alerts to take necessary precaution to avoid the unpleasant happening in the form of heart attack.
Qty of Alcoha and smoking should be reduced/stopped and Yogasana, physical exercises,Meditation should be practiced in the guidance of experts/yoga Teacher to stop further deterioration in the heart condition.
Generally cases of Angina in men is more than Angina in women.

Homoeopathic medicines for Angina Pectoris are,

Crategus,Q: This is a very useful medicine for all sort of Heart problems and blood pressure,high and low both. This is an useful tonic for heart and are supposed to dissolved the cholestrol responsible for blood pressure.It provides strength to the heart like a heart tonic.This is used in cases of Angina pectoris also.

Arsenic Alb,30:This is useful for nervous pain of Angina If there is no defect in the structure of the heart. If the defect and deterioration has occured in structure of heart, then it will not cure, it will provide relief only for short term.

Gelsemium,30:It can provide relief only if there is defect in the structure of the heart,it will also not cure.

Belladon,30: Same as Gelsamium.

Tabacum,30,200:It is benificial if the pain is due to excessive physical exertion. Palpitation and pain in chest after lying down on the bed along the left side, pain which spreads around the chest.

Glonoin,30:Fast palpitation of the heart,it appears that heart will come out of its position through the chest. Suffocation and pain which spreads around the chest and travels through arm upto fingers.

Spigelia,6,30: Useful if sharp cutting pain in the heart,feeling of suffocation.Pain and Pressure on the heart is due to bad effect of Alcohal, Tobacco and smoking.

Carboveg,6,30:If due to flatulance there is pain in the heart due to pressur exerted by gases on the heart.In such case It is used half an houre before meal.

Latrodexctus,6: Useful for chronic cases of Angina pectoris.
Pain in precordial region,pain travels toward shoulder and back side.

Amyl Nitrite,3: If no above medicines prove effective,in that case after dropping 3-4 drops on a cotton is given to the patient to smell for relief from the pain.

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