Sunday, December 6, 2009

Blood pressure Overview.

Blood pressure can be defined as the pressure exerted on the walls of the Arteries during the functioning of heart. When heart contract Blood is forcefully pushed up in the arteries and the pressure exerted on the walls of Arteries is called systolic pressure and when Heart expands the pressure on the walls get lowered which is called diastolic pressure. During contraction and expansion of the heart both, the flow of blood is maintained in the Arteries but during Contraction of the heart the pressure is more in comparison to Expansion phase of the heart.
During these process heart takes purified Blood with oxygen from the lungs and circulates blood to each cells in the body. To remain alive of a living being ,this blood circulation is maintained automatically by body itself.
When the blood pressure goes up or down beyond a certain range then it is called high or low Blood pressure.

2.High Blood Pressure Signs and Symptoms:
When a person suffers from high blood pressure, some associated symptoms develop with him. Some of the symptoms mentioned below are not exhaustive but only a few of the various symptoms which get developed with patient of High blood pressure .
These all symptoms do not necessarily develop with all the suffere of High Blood pressure . Patient in many cases do not realize or feel these symptoms even when the Blood pressure is dangerously high.
It is essential to monitor blood pressure if this age of stressful life even when these symptoms are not visible. Because blood pressure is considered as a silent killer. After achieving a certain age, one must get its Blood pressure checked regularly after a certain interval even if no symptom is visible. Some of the symptoms which are generally associated with high Blood pressure are are enlisted herewith.
1. Feeling of restlessness
2. sleeplessness
3. diziness
4. Frequent headache/Dull headache
5. Very sensitive to heat/sun
6. letharginess
7. sexual weakness
8.Aversion to sex
9. Anxious mind
10. Gets Easily excited
11. Red facial expression
12. feels flushes of heat
13. Desires for cold environment
14. Feeling of uneasiness
15. Do not find his job interesting and Can not discharge their duty properly
16. Protruded and tense eyes,red eyes
17. Nose bleeds
18. Difficulty in climbing up staircase due to increased pulse rate/short Breathness.
Blood pressure do not remain at the same level all the times.Circumstances and environment affects the blood pressure significantly. For example after meal when need of blood flow to the abdome is more,the blood pressure goes high. Similarly after hard work blood pressure rises.
Over excitment, angre, fear, Mental stress,Anxieties,emotions,Obesity, heart problem,Kidney problem, Sedentary life, alcohalism, excessive nonveg foods, overeating , constipation, pregnancy are important factors to raise the blevel of Blood pressure.
in old age blood pressure rises when the flexibility of the arteries/blood vessels get reduced and contracted.The layer of Calcium and Uric acids deposited on the walls restrict the flow of blood in arteries/blood vessels resultiing in rise of the blood pressure.

3. Low blood pressure:
As high blood pressure is a painful condition similarly low blood pressure is also painful.Those who are deprived of balance diets or due to prolonged illness or weakness due to some other reasons become victims of low blood pressure.
Always try to maintain Blood pressure in the normal rang as it snatches away all the happiness from life and can threaten to our life if neglected.
To control Blood pressure always get medicines prescribed by your doctor.

4. Range of Blood pressure and severity:

Generally the the Blood pressure are divided into three Types:
i. Mild Hypertension-
Systolic Blood pressure-140-160 mm of Hg,
Diastolic blood pressure- 90-100mm of Hg
ii. Moderate hypertension:
Systolic Blood pressure-160-200 mm of Hg,
Diastolic blood pressure- 100-120mm of Hg
iii. Severe Hypertension:
Systolic Blood pressure-160-200 mm of Hg,
Diastolic blood pressure- 100-120mm of Hg

Average blood Pressure:
For Young-120/80mm of Hg
For old -140/90 mm of hg
Range of average blood pressure is considered good to remain fit and healthy.

5. Blood pressure and Ayurveda:
Whenever, I feel my Blood pressure is high, I use either homoeopatic medicines or Ayurvedic medicine and on the same day it becomes normal on most of the occasions.I am happy I have been able to maintain my blood pressure without using allopathic medicines. I have been able to save my doctor's fee and my time and have developed tricks of controlling my blood pressure and to maintain at normal level. I see people consuming pills daily to keep their Blood pressure under control and visiting to doctors very frequently. I am of the view that to keep oneself healthy some experimentation and discovery by individualone is also required. Doctors prescription is robotic in nature and I belive one day will come soon when robot will prescribe medicines to you. Once you become fully dependent on doctor's prescription , it is certain that you will develope many diseases with in yourself and get trapped among medicines and doctors. It is observed those who fully depend on their doctors for their health care passes through the process that One disease get susidized and many other diseases appear.
To control blood pressure some approaches are necessary to keep oneself fit and healthy. one such approach is to keep your bowls clear and the Ayurvedic medicine "Trifala Powder" is very effective to keep weight under control and subsequently its positive effect on Blood pressure.If this is used once in a week it does not let weight to increase and helps in maintaining the Blood pressure.
Trifala churna should be taken in empty stomach and the best time is morning hours.
Two spoonful of Trifala churna powder in one glass of warm water mixed properly should be swalloed after stirring. After taking, with in one-two hours several loose motion passes and it is a good sign and very positive. The qty of trifala churna can be increased or decreased according to onee's capacity.If loose motion do not occur qty can be increased. After using this for several weeks weight start decreasing and have positive effect on blood pressure also.
As the test of Trifala may not appeal to some body but its effect on health is very positive. It reatrds the aging process and have good effect on sex also.
Those suffering of some serious health problem should consult their doctor first before using Trifala churna.
6.Ashwagandha and Blood pressure:
Ashwagandha finds an unique place in the Ayurvedic system of medicines. This is a herb which possesses various curative properties. It has been praised in old scriptures and Ayurvedic books. for its wonderful qualities to cure a wide range of ailments. It has its history way back to more than 2000 BC. It is found in India, Sri Lanka and Pakistan and Africa. It has green leaves, yellow flower with very good appearance. Its roots are used as medicines. It has got its Botanical name as “Withania Somiferum”. It belongs to the pepper family. Ashwagandha is widely used as a constituent of Ayurvedic Medicines. It is really a blessing and gift from nature to us. Its has got amazing properties to cure Ailments. Its effect is long lasting.
What is Ashwagandha used for: It is used extensively in the treatment of a wide range of Diseases
It has tranquilizing and sedative properties and provide mental calmness, create positive attitude towards life , improves sleep and one feel fresh when get up in the morning. It is beneficial to cure stress and stress related problems
· It acts as diuretic and increases the flow of urine
· It is a good tonic in itself. and Its use revitalizes the whole body
· It is used as anti inflammatory agents. It reduces inflammation and swelling of tumors, Osteoarthrities, Arthrities and various other forms of inflammation.
· It has Aphrodisiac properties and improves sexual power and stimulates sexual desire. It improves sperm count and quality, makes sex organ more robust. Arthritis Erectile function, Great improvement and control over Ejaculation. One can delay Ejaculation as long as he wants Provides full pleasure during sex. Its excellent properties are not less in any respect than the most popular medicines available to enhance sex pleasure.
· It improves immunity and resistance power of the body to fight against external Agents.
· It is able to cure Arthritis, diabetes, general weakness, debility.
· It is beneficial in regulating high blood pressure. Its regular use control the blood pressure and heartbeat effectively.
· It improves weak memory by providing nourishment to the brain, improves brain functioning, concentration of mind, retaining power and relives of forgetfullness and negative thoughts. Its regular use greatly improves memory and learning skills. It is helpful in treatment of depression, schizophrenia.
· It acts as antigens, increases the count of White Blood cells to produces antibodies to prevent against various allergies and infections
· It is a good tonic for heart and lungs
· It improves nervous system by providing nourishment to the nerves.
· It heals wounds and injuries fast
· It is Beneficial for Asthmatic patient.
· It is beneficial in leucorrhoea of the ladies.
· Relives of feeling of Numbness and burning sensations in extremities
· It delays the aging process and maintain youthfulness for longer period. Overall body gets revitalized by its regular use.
· It increases production of bone marrow and semen.
In India, many Ayurvedic Industries are producing Aswagandha products and are easily available in Ayurvedic Medicines stores.
There is no doubt, it has great medicinal value and potential to cure but should be used with care and preferably under the doctor’s advice.
Ashwagandha side effects:
So far, I have not come across any known cases of side effect or adverse effect but some tendencies of constipation developes which can be avoided easily by use of fibrous foods/vegetables which are helpful in removal of constipation.

7. Blood pressure and Homoeopathy:
Here ,I would like to describe my experience with homoeopathic medicines to treat high Blood- pressure.I used to suffer with high blood pressure since the age of 35 years. The following symptoms were associated with me.
Headache some times dull headache and some times severe headache mostly in the left side of template including eyes and top of the head, neck with dullness in the whole body,restlessness, anxiety, Very sensitive to heat of the sun,frequent attack during hotweather .Relief with application of warm water over eyes and head.
when I used to suffer with these symtoms, I was was generally using and still use the following Homoeopathic medicine.
1. Glonoin 30- 2-3 doses ,two drops with one table spoon of water at an interval of 2 hours.
This medicine is very much effective to me and whenever I suffered from Blood pressure I use this with great success.
2. Cratgeous-Q- 10 -15 drops with water twice a dey. This is very effective to lower the blood pressure and gives strength to the body.whenever I used this I started feeling freshness from the next morning.
These two medicines have helped me to keep away from Allopathic medicines and saved me from paying heavy bill to doctors. sometimes I visisted to Allopathic doctor to check my blood pressure and got medicines prescribed also but I never took it seriously as my consciousness was not allowing me to take Allopathic medicine for controlling blood pressure.

8.Homoeopathic Medicines for High Blood pressure-hypertension :
Symptoms associated with some Homoeopathic Medicines which are generally used and useful for treatment of Hypertension/High Blood pressure has been provided below. In homoeopathy there is no specific medicine for a disease. Medicine is selected by matching symptoms of the patients with medicines and when most of the symptoms of the patient matches with a particular medicine deatils (Already recorded at the time of proving on a healthy person) that is considered the right medicine for the patient.
Crategous,Q: It dissolves the elementse which get deposited in the Arteries and give rise to High blood pressure. Due to the Elements deposited in the Arteries Fexibility of the arteries gett reduced and blood pressure develop.
10 drops with water three times a dey can be used for a few days and when the benifits is visible it should be stopped. It provides strength to the heart and after its use one feels strength and freshness.
Baryta mur,30: When patient goes to bed at night suffers of severe headache.This is benificial for old age people for this type of is more benificial If sysolic pressure is high and Dystolic pressure is low.
Lachasis,1M: Its main symptoms are when patient goes to bed to sleep, the problems get aggravated in every type of diseases.Patient is afraid of going to sleep.Patient problem get aggraveted with tight clothing around waist,neck.
It is not repeated very frequently.
Very senitive to sun and Headache due to heat of sun.
Pain in heart
Feels pulsation of the heart beat in the whole body even in tips of the fingure
Nerve around the head get protruded and become tight which can be felt by touching.
Feels blood is going upward to head and feels congestion in the head.
Like to pull hairs upward with force which provide relief in headache.
Feels vertigo when sits staright.
Very useful in Hypertension-high blood pressure.
Aurum mur Natronetum,2x,3x:
Benificial when the reason of hypertension is restlessness and excitement of nervous system.
When Climbing high and hard work ,feels uncomfortable pressure and uneasiness in the heart. Aurum met,30: Symptoms similar to "Aurum mur Natronatum".
Arsenic alubum,30; The following symptoms are associated with blood pressure.
Too much Restlessness
Swelling in eyes
Swelling in legs
Uuncomfortable/difficult breathing in bed at night.
Difficult breathing during climbing high/ staircases.
Frequent desire to drink small quantity of water.
Natrum Mur30: Benificial for those who are in the habit of eating excessive salt ( Sodium Chloride), have Brooding nature and suppresses the anger.
Gelsemium,200,1M: Benificial in the case when the reason of Blood pressur is shocking and sad news. Associated symptoms are headche, heaviness of the head, Numbness of the head, pain at the top of the head, stupor, letharziness.
Belladona,30: When face of the patient become red and hot , eye appears to be protruded , pulasation in the nerves of the neck, dry mouth and throat but dislke to drink water . Frequent Pain in the nerves of shorter durations.
Acid Phos,1x,30,200:-This is benificial when the reason of blood pressure is weakness of Nervous system.This gives strength to the nervous system. This is benficial in both high and 6.low Blood pressure.
Symptoms associated with some Homoeopathic Medicines which are generally used and useful for treatment of Hyportension/Low Blood pressure has been provided below. In homoeopathy there is no specific medicine for a disease. Medicine is selected by matching symptoms of the patients with medicines and when most of the symptoms of the patient matches with a particular medicine deatils (Already recorded at the time of proving on a healthy person) that is considered the right medicine for the patient.
8.Homoeopathic Medicines for Low Blood pressure-hypotension:
1. Crategous-Q: It dissolves the elementse which get deposited in the Arteries and give rise to High blood pressure.Due to the Elements deposited in the Arteries Fexibility of the arteries gett reduced and blood pressure develop.
10 drops three times a dey are genearlly used withwater for a few days and when the benifits benifits are visible, it is stopped. It provides strength to the heart and after its use one feels strength and freshness.
Benificial for both High blood pressure and Low Blood pressure.
2.Conium,30,200: It has good affects on functioning of the Glands. In old age glands become weak and subsequently body also become weak.When blood in the body is not in sufficient qty, all limbs and organ become weak and do not function satisfactorily.
Cases of vertigo is common in old age due to insufficient supply of blood in the brain ,called cerebral anemia.
Weakness in whole body, difficulty in walking and movement, trembling of organs .
This is good medicines for low blood pressure of old age due to weakness , if the above symptoms are present.
Digitalis,3: This is used when with low blood pressure some heart problem are present.other symptoms are irreglar pulse,weak pulse,very slow pulse, some time feels as if pulse got discontinued/ stopped, swelling in any part of the body, panting , breathlessness, feeling of short breathing, always desire for deep breath.
Pulse rate become fast after slight movement.
Gelsemium,1,3,30: Laziness,lethargic,dullness are the important symptoms. even does not care for self disease also.
Low blood pressure due to any shocking,painfulsad emotional news. Vertigo strt from top of the head,heaviness in head and eyes,pain starts from side of the head and moves to ears and nose. Feels if movement of body is stopped, the heart will also stop.Pulse rate become fast after slight movement.
Calcarea Phos,3x,6x,30: Always Feels weak,tired,exhausted and Child whose growth is very fast.
Kalmia,6: Pulse very slow. Nervousness,palpitation in the heart,panting and fast breathing due to fast movement and climbing high,staircases.
palpitation of the heart,panting,suffering with rheumatism which root cause is syphilis then this medicine is considered for application.
Abis nigra,30,200: slow pulse rate,panting,do not feels good and condition deteriorates after meal.
Avena sativa,Q: 10 drops three- four times a day gives energy and strength to the brain and feels good and strength in the body and suffering due to low blood pressure improves.
Cactus Grandiflourus,3: despondency,sadness and dislike to speak, remain silent, do not feel good, restless, If time of meal is over headache starts,heaviness in the head,feels as if head is under the grip of tongus(chimta).
Radium,12x,30: Vertgo,diziness mpain in whole body,restlessness, relief from walking and movement,heaviness in top and backside of the head.

9. Foods selection For High Blood pressure.

To control and maintain the High Blood Pressure the following type of foods are considered benificial in Blood pressure-hyper tension as per findings of scientific study and reserach by scientific institute of repute.Observe precautions while selecting your food items which are best suitable for you.Foods have significant bearing on health and blood pressure.
1. Low fat food
2. Low sugar food
3. Fruits
4. Use Vegetables
4. Use fruits
5. Use Fibrous foods
6. Whole grain food
7. Garlic in the morning in empty stomach without chewingswallow with water.
8. Onion in vegetables,salads.
9. Avoid nonveg food which do not digest easily.
10.Avoid smoking
11.Avaoid Excessive alcohal
12.Reduce qty of salt in food
13.Reduce food which cause obesity
14.Avoid foods which cause constipation.
15.Eat a little less qty of food than your your normal diet.
16.Take food which are easily digestible,avoid heavy food and cause gas formation.
17 vitamins in consultation with your Doctor.

10. Blood pressure and Yoga:
Blood pressure can be difined as the pressure exerted upon the walls of the vessels when it flows through them .It is the tension in the muscular elastic walls of Arteries.In general normal blood pressure of an adult should not be above 140mm of mercury manometerfor which is called the systyolic pressure which is contraction phase of the heartbeat. The Diastolic pressure which is the resting phae of heartbeat should not be above 90mm. When the systolic pressure is more than normal it is termed as high blood pressure or hypertension. If the systolic pressure is less than normal it is called as low blood pressure or Hypotension.
While measuring blood pressure instrumental error may effect the accuracy. Age and the life style of the suffere affects the blood pressure and allowance should be made for these factors.
To prevent and control High blood pressure moderate and regular yogic exercises are found helpful but inverted postures and asanas which involve benading forward from waist which brings extra blood to the head should be avoided. If the Blood pressure is too high,more than 200mm practicing of all asanas should be stopped however savasana should continued.
Asanas and pranayam recommended in Yoga scriptures for ,
High Blood preasure are,
1.Surya namaskar
3. makarasana
4. Matsyasana
6.Pavan muktasana
8.Abdominal breathing
9.Anulom vilom Pranayam without retention of breath
10. Practice of savasana several times in a day.

The following also play important role in controlling the High blood pressure.
1. Foods that are too fatty should be avoided.
2. Salts in the diet should be reduced to the minimum.
3. fasting once in a week or fortnight which reduces over weight and subsequently Blood pressure also.
4.Stress, worry, tension, emotional disturbances and out burst, overwork should be avoided.These factors affect autonomic nervous system and aggravate High blood pressure.
5. Change of the environment becomes very helpful in most cases.
6. Laughter and cheerful mood
7. Good sleep
8. walking in fresh air in the morning and evening
9. Avoiding tranquillizers
10.Avoid smoking,excess alcohalism.

Yogasanas for Low blood pressure:
The following Asanas and pranayam are helpful in low Blood pressure.
1. surya Namaskar
3. vipritkarani
4. bhujangasana
5. Pavan muktasana
6. Yog mudra
8. Ujjayi pranayam
Parnayam like Anulom - Vilom, Bhastrika are very effectve in controlling the blood pressure.
These Asanas and pranayam should beFirst these Asanas should be learned by some experienced yoga Guru to derive full benifits of Yoga.
Yoga should be started mildy in the begining and time span should be increased gradually.Regular practice of Yogaasans and pranyam are very effective for blood pressure and relives of stress,worry and emotional disturbances also.
There are many books avilable in the market which provides good information about Yoga and its benifits.
10. Obesity Blood pressure and other Associated diseases :
Today's Obesity is a major health problem world wide. With the rise in affluence and living standards, there is a proportionate big jump in the no of people suffering from obesity. With obesity it is difficult to live a happy life. Obesity gives rise to many other associated health problems. It does not come alone rather come with many associated health problemse.g.
· Blood pressure
· Diabetes
· joints pain
· movement
· Lethargies
· Impotence, sex problem
· Lack of charms and attractiveness
· Despondency, depression
The major reasons of the obesity are the
· Sedentary life style, lack of physical exercise, too much dependence on machines
· Abnormal eating habits, Junk foods, fast food
· Constipation,
· Abnormal functions of thyroid glands,
· Defective metabolism
· Genetics
· Alcoholism
Getting rid of obesity problem is not easy. It is wise to prevent it rather than seeking its cure.
Once a person develop obesity, it becomes very difficult to regain normal health. This affects
normal life functioning in a big way and charms of life goes away. The sufferer of obesity may
be victim of some of the problems or from all at a time. To make life miserable and any one of
the above are enough.
Today’s many types of treatment are available but any of the approaches you adopt, all need lot of time, patience and money. Market are flooded with big claims with several products of reducing and making big difference in obesity with in a few days, this is simply to please and getting attracted the patients to earn huge profit. If there is a drastic change also,then that is not without a cost in the form of giving rise to some other type of problem.
Regular use of medicines for minor problem prevents the self curing and balancing process of the body. Minor fever, cold, a few loose motions are some natural healing and balancing process of the body and its self cure improves the immunity of the body.
The natural way of living and food habits prevent and overcome the obesity to a great extent and one can prevent and get rid of this with ease. But adopting a natural way of living demands a strong will power and self determination, as one who is accustomed of living with comforts and amenities find hard to live a natural life ,where some sacrifices of comforts are required.
To overcome the obesity the following are helpful to a far extent,
Walking, exercising, yoga, pranayam
Reducing the use of sugar, tea, coffee, Junk foods, fatty foods
Reducing the habit of mechanical life
Physical works
Fasting with enough water drinking
Removal of constipation and keeping bowls clean two-three times daily
Light meal
Light break fast
Abandoning or reducing use of Alcohol
Reducing dependency on medicines and allowing body to cure itself for some minor health problem
Early sleeping and early rise
Use of medicines prepared with herbs are very effective in controlling the obesity.
The cause of obesity needs to be diagonised in right pespective and should adopt right approach to get cured as the reason of obesity are not same with every one.
Some of the common home medicines dealing effectively obesity are,
1.Use of one tsp of Honey with two tsp of Lemon juice in one glass of water in the morning in empty stomach is very effective in reducing the obesity. Its effect are observed with in a few days of its use.
2. Trifala Churna- Ayurvedic medicines prepared with herbs like Hare, Bahera, and Amla .
It can be used once in a week in in empty stomach mixed with warm Water. Qty to be consumed vary person to person. One who suffers from habiual constipation has to consume more qty . A person whose bowls remain clear has to consume lesser qty in comarison to person suffering from habitual constipation.If after use of Trifala churna a few loose motion a good indication for better results. The taste is not very pleasing but it is benificial in several other problems also. Its regular use certainly reduces the obesity. Those Who find difficult to consume it in powder form, can use Tablet of Trifala which can be consumed easily without any problem with its taste.
Ready made Trifala churna are availble manufactured by several Ayurvedic companies engaged in manufacturing of ayurvedic medicines like Dabur, Baidyanath, Patanjali yogpeeth and many more companies.

11. Laughter and Blood pressure:
For a good health and to enjoy life you must learn to laugh. If there is no natural instinct within you for laughing, or you do not laugh at all or laugh occsionaly, then you must improve your laughing habit. Try to laugh at small thing, do not wait for big fun to make you laugh as life is full of misery,stress and anxiety and you have to live with all these problems.. If you think my life is full of various problems and laughing is not in my part then it is certain you will never get chance to laugh in the whole life. You must remember no body in this planet are living without problems. If you will analyse and look at others, you will find other people are having more problems then you but even then they laugh and remain happy and cheerful. Laughing is indicator of your enjoyment of your life. If you are not laughing you are at disadvantages in many ways. Scientific researches have proved that laughter has a very positive effect both for physical and mental health. If you do not try to have laughter in your stock, it will cost you in many ways.
Here are Certain facts to know about laughter.
1. You might be a very good person at your heart but even then you may not have many friends without laughter and you may not be liked much in society. Your social relationship may be in poor state.
2. Your family relationship will not be very healthy and attractive.
3. You may always live in a state of brooding.
4. you will not be able to develop deep love relationship with your partner/loved one.
5. you will be liable to suffer more with stress and strain of life.
6. Even being very handsome/beautiful, attractiveness and charm from your face may disapper and you may not look attractive.
7. you may be liable to more health problems like Blood pressure, heart diesese, diabetes etc
8. It is called laughter is the best medicine and do not ignore this. This is a fact and laughing habit will make you more healthy, wealthy and wise.
Benefits of laughter:
1. Laughter relaxes your body, mind and nerves instantly. No medicines can bring so much relaxation so fast.
2. Laughter boosts the immune system by decreasing the stress hormones.
Laughter improves the release of endorphins( feel good chemicals) Endorphins improves an overall sense of well-being and can provide temporarily relief from the pain.
Laughter helps to protects the heart by improving the functions of blood vessels and increased blood flow and help to lower high blood pressure. It can help to protect you against a heart attack and other cardiovascular problems.
5. Laughter improves mental health and adds joy and cheers to life, eases anxiety and fear, relieves stress and make mood happy and enhances the resilience.
6.It has many Social Benefits as It strengthen relationships, make you more attractive, improves team spirit and team work,and help to diffuse tension, and make the working environment full of enjoyment and pleasure.
7. It can be said who knows to laugh have god blessing and this can shower upon you also. So try from today to get this blessing from today.
Here are some ways to start:
1.Start learning laughter first by learning to smile.
2. Make friends and be with fun loving people who is not very much serious to day to day problems as problems from your life will never disappear completely.
3. Make your conversations full of funs and humor.
4. Collect materials like jokes , funny story which make you and your friends to laugh..
5. Collect and preserve your laughing materials like jokes, funny stories and try to make use of it daily whenever you get the chance to fit in your conversations.

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