Sunday, December 6, 2009

High Blood pressure,Foods selection for.

To control and maintain the High Blood Pressure the following type of foods are considered benificial in Blood pressure-hyper tension as per findings of scientific study and reserach by scientific institute of repute.Observe precautions while selecting your food items which are best suitable for you.Foods have significant bearing on health and blood pressure.

1. Low fat food
2. Low sugar food
3. Fruits
4. Use Vegetables
4. Use fruits
5. Use Fibrous foods
6. Whole grain food
7. Garlic in the morning in empty stomach without chewingswallow with water.
8. Onion in vegetables,salads.
9. Avoid nonveg food which do not digest easily.
10.Avoid smoking
11.Avaoid Excessive alcohal
12.Reduce qty of salt in food
13.Reduce food which cause obesity
14.Avoid foods which cause constipation.
15.Eat a little less qty of food than your your normal diet.
16.Take food which are easily digestible,avoid heavy food and cause gas formation.
17 vitamins in consultation with your Doctor.

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