Sunday, December 6, 2009

Blood pressure severity and its range.

Blood pressure do not remain at the same level all the times.Circumstances and environment affects the blood pressure significantly. For example after meal when need of blood flow to the abdome is more,the blood pressure goes high. Similarly after hard work blood pressure rises.
Over excitment, angre, fear, Mental stress,Anxieties,emotions,Obesity, heart problem,Kidney problem, Sedentary life, alcohalism, excessive nonveg foods, overeating , constipation, pregnancy are important factors to raise the blevel of Blood pressure.
in old age blood pressure rises when the flexibility of the arteries/blood vessels get reduced and contracted.The layer of Calcium and Uric acids deposited on the walls restrict the flow of blood in arteries/blood vessels resultiing in rise of the blood pressure.

Low blood pressure:

As high blood pressure is a painful condition similarly low blood pressure is also painful.Those who are deprived of balance diets or due to prolonged illness or weakness due to some other reasons become victims of low blood pressure.
Always try to maintain Blood pressure in the normal rang as it snatches away all the happiness from life and can threaten to our life if neglected.
To control Blood pressure always get medicines prescribed by your doctor.

Range of Blood pressure and severity: Generally the the Blood pressure are divided into three Types:
i. Mild Hypertension-
Systolic Blood pressure-140-160 mm of Hg,
Diastolic blood pressure- 90-100mm of Hg

ii. Moderate hypertension:
Systolic Blood pressure-160-200 mm of Hg,
Diastolic blood pressure- 100-120mm of Hg

iii. Severe Hypertension:
Systolic Blood pressure-160-200 mm of Hg,
Diastolic blood pressure- 100-120mm of Hg

Average blood Pressure:

For Young-120/80mm of Hg
For old -140/90 mm of hg

Range of average blood pressure is considered good to remain fit and healthy.

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